
In this section you can find scientific publications and publications produced by EKT focusing on human resources.

Scientific Publications

See the scientific publications here (

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Mobility of Greek Doctorate Holders

Greek doctorate holders are the human resources with the highest formal specialization in the country. Here you can find the results of the study carried out by EKT on the development of their professional and geographical mobility.

There are no results in this category.

Other EKT publications

Specialized Human Resources

With indicators, surveys and studies, EKT functions as a mechanism for monitoring public financial interventions and highlights the highly qualified human resources as one of the strong points of the Greek research and innovation system.

Doctorate Holders

The statistics for doctoral degree holders focus on the young doctorate holders who graduate each year from the Greek Universities. They constitute the top of the country's human resources, with a very high level of formal and substantive qualifications, skills and specialized knowledge.

Women in R&D

In the modern research space and the knowledge society, gender equality is still, as the relevant data show, an issue which is not limited to Greece alone.

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